I think the countdown to my trek back to America is like 331 days. In my first few days here when I thought I was going to swim back home because I missed it so bad, I went through my planner and numbered the days in my year here so that I would know exactly how many days I have until I can go home. Things are not so serious now, but at least I still know where I stand in the scheme of my year in Korea.
I was supposed to have a busy day today. Well, as busy as my day ever gets. I was to teach 6 classes. Six has dwindled to two because the kids are having end of the year writing exams. No one told me about it so I show up at 9 all ready to go. I have to be here regardless, so I have spent the last 2 hours doing nothing even resembling school related. I have been busy though. I've answered e-mails, looked at prospective vacation locales, and found people I thought were dead on Facebook and Myspace.
I'm getting really used to the pace of things here. Sllloooww. And I like it. I'm probably gonna be busy for the bulk of the rest of my life so now I'm just taking it easy. Some people have to go on vacation to get away from it all. I live there. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do and you have to work if you want to get a hold of me. I teach my kids and hang out. The End. I'll go into Seoul or Gimpo on the weekend to do some shopping or dinner if I feel like it. Its not gonna take much to get spoiled rotten. My school kisses my ass. They know I'm here alone and don't speak Korean so all I have to do is ask for something and they make it happen. I didn't have a computer in my office. My principal noticed I was on one in the lounge and a week later, I've got a new laptop. The chair in my apartment is crap so I'm going shopping next week for a couch and the school's buying.
I guess I traded the comforts of America for some serious down time. My life has been so crazy for the past couple of years that this is really doing me some good. The biggest decision I ever have to make is what I'm gonna wear that day. This is a pretty good gig. If you've got an extra year, a college degree, and can handle being away, I highly recommend. The honeymoon stage of my Culture Shock is ending. I don't hate Korea and all things Korean. I still stand by my notion that America is wayyy cooler, but that's not really opinion. More like statement of fact:) I still miss you all something terrible and I'm coming to terms with the fact that its probably not going to get any easier to be away from you. That makes my heart smile though. I'm coming to like missing people. Makes you realize how lucky you are to have people to love and makes seeing them again that much sweeter!!
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