Category: Life
Took yesterday off from school so I could head into
Had dinner at Outback. Western food always puts a silver lining on any dark cloud of a day. The subway on the way home was crowded so I got to sit down and Meagon had to stand. As soon as the seat next to me opened a wiry little Korean woman all but formed tackled Meagon to make sure she got the seat. She had to see the look I was giving her but she didn't care. I'm growing used to being stared at. I still don't like it, but I'm getting used to it. Well, this woman is so close she's touching me and doesn't even try to be subtle about giving me the once over. She mumbles something in Korean with the word "
I just started ignoring her until she started making this horrible slurping gurgling sound right in my ear. I don't know what was going on in her mouth. Sounded like she was trying to keep her false teeth or something. There's only so much I can take and since Meagon had scored herself a seat a little ways away from me I started digging in my bag for my iPod. I don't even get it in my ear before she starts up with her American crap again and takes my iPod out of my hand. By now I've figured if you can't beat em, join em so I just gave her the earphones and let her soak up a little Ben Harper. At least it would shut her up and get her off my back. I guess she liked ol' Ben because she wasn't making any moves to give my iPod back.
I wanted some photographic evidence of the crazy old Korean ajuma with funky hair and painted on make up sitting thisclose to me listening to my iPod. Dug around in my bag for my camera and before I could get the lens cap off, the heifer took it too. She looked at about 300 of my pictures all the while muttering about
Ended up back in Gimpo at a bar called the
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