Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting Back on the Wagon.

I made it about two weeks into the new year before my blog became less than a priority. Teaching has a way to seep into every, single area of your life. I find myself laying in bed at night thinking of better ways to present vocabulary words or analyzing my latest attempt at disciplining middle schoolers. After all, my one and only reason for being in Honduras is to work at Agape. If it weren't for my job, I'd be somewhere else having a different crop of experiences. (I just finished my first interview about what I've been up to the last couple of years teaching and traveling wise. Check it out  HERE:)) I also have the blessing of being able to completely focus on my work.  I look forward to my future but I'd be doing my students and myself a disservice if I didn't take full advantage of this time in my life. Alllll that to say, I'm jumping back on the wagon. I have been a champ about taking pictures every day but I never carve out the time to upload them and blog. I'm caught up with school stuff, for this second, so I'm issuing myself a personal challenge to get all caught up.  Here's a little preview. I have to be clocked in at school by 6:50. An ungodly hour by anyone's definition. The silver lining to that yucky, dark cloud is that, when I have time, I can sit and watch the sun rise over the mountains. I stopped straight in the middle of the sidewalk to snap this one. Dropped all my stuff and dug out my camera as soon as I saw it. I'm not a morning person but I don't care who you are....that's just breathtaking.